Benefits and Prices
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Dissolves energy blocks and promotes natural balance between mind, body and spirit;
Increases energy levels;
Creates deep relaxation and helps the body Releases stress and tension;
Clears the mind and improves focus;
Assists the body's self-healing ability;

Promotes the relaxation of the whole body. Aids in the elimination of accumulated toxins
Improves circulation of blood and increases the oxygen uptake.
Helps with the relief of eyestrain and tension headaches.
Helps with mental tiredness and tension.
Improves concentration
promotes sound sleeping

Releases tension in the facial muscles
Reduce the puffiness, helps reduce the under eye bags
Lift and tightens facial contour
Improve the elasticity of the skin
Increases elimination of toxins
Improves circulation
Tones and improves skin complexion
Relieves stress-related symptoms such as headaches, eyestrain and insomnia
Promotes relaxation and calm

Can improve the circulation in hands & arm
Helps to ease RSI
Stimulates lymphatic drainage
Stimulates the immunes system
Assists the removal of toxins
Assists the body's self-healing ability
Helps with insomnia
Assists relaxation