
Reiki promotes deep relaxation, improves well being and brings the body and mind in Harmony . Reiki is a gentle yet powerful therapy that is being used alongside orthodox healthcare.

Reiki is a natural healing energy , the practice of Reiki originated in Japan. Reiki is the Japanese word for “Universal Life force Energy”. Reiki is a non-invasive therapy, whereby the energy is channelled through the practitioner to the recipient. The energy works on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Indian Head Massage is applied on the shoulders, neck and face and does affect the whole body; this holistic therapy is wonderful for reducing stress. The Chakras balancing offered at the end of the session helps the other chakras vibrate in balance and promotes well being.

Indian Head Massage is part of Ayurveda which in Sanskrit means “Science of Life”. This healing system has been used for thousand of year in India. Indian Head Massage can improve blood flow to the head and neck, which increases the distribution of nutrients to support healing throughout the body.
Reiki distance Healing
Thank you very much for the session Marie-Ange. I certainly enjoyed it. I experienced an intense warmth in my stomach area during the session and visualised really bright colours. I felt refreshed other the session.
I -. Solicitor London
“I have not felt much during the session, as you mentioned I was being distracted. I did feel nice warm sensation when I went to sleep. I remember the bed being cold when I slipped into it and seconds later, at instant I felt that warmth all over my body. Like I had an electric blanket, but the heat was coming from me, my arms, chest, legs and I had a good night sleep.”
Anna, Senioir Sport Coordinator, London
I had 2 Reiki distant healing sessions with Marie-Ange. I was extremely tired and I needed to restore my energy. The sessions were very helpful, I felt rested and soothe & peaceful (in my body, heart and mind). In the morning I felt calm on awaking. I noticed that as I was peaceful the people around me were peaceful too.
Ghislaine- Manager in Education (University) France
Thank you so much Marie-Ange for the Reiki distant healing session. After feeling a surge of energy, I fell asleep; for the first time in days. Even if my anxieties did not fully disappear, I didn’t have an “emotional crisis” the next day and the following night.
P -Comedian & Musician France”
“I found the Reiki sessions with Marie-Ange extremely relaxing and, dare I say it, healing! I would go in quite ‘wired’ and feel much more balanced at the end.”
Serena - Secondary School Teacher, London
“I enjoy my Reiki sessions with Marie-Ange. I don’t pretend to have a deep understanding of what it is or how it works but the relaxation alone does me good. I find that what ails me subsides at least for a while afterwards.
Ebonysimba - LSBU , London
“I used the services of Marie-Ange and thoroughly enjoyed the sessions. She was extremely professional and put me at my ease immediately. I welcomed her calm approach."
Claudette - EAL Teacher, London
Indian Head Massage
“The India Head massage treatment today was relaxing and good. The tension used by Marie-Ange in the session was well delivered which contributed to me almost falling asleep toward the end. My shoulders and upper body has opened up more, and released tension from my back.”
Andrew - Business Development Adviser, London
“Very good Indian Head massage; I felt a nice “heat sensation “at the end of the treatment during the chakras balancing. I felt energised and revitalised after the session.”
Marie-Claude - Retail Manager, London
Natural Face Lift Massage
"This has been an amazing experience, without the photos I would never have believed such a difference could be achieved with just the touch of the hands. I think Marie-Ange has gifted hands. The minute she placed them over my forehead something felt different and I felt totally safe in her hands. As she moved over my face I felt feel incredibly relaxed, nurtured and fresh. I left the session smiling all the way home"
Nicky - Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist and Reiki Master Teacher, London
Hand and Arm Massage
"I enjoy the Hand Massage, my hands and wrists are nice and loose. I also feel quite relaxed and peaceful. Marie-Ange explained to me the effects of the massage but I was surprised to see how wonderful it feels.
Ellen, London

Natural Face Lift massage is a gentle, pampering and relaxing massage performed over the face and facial contours which leaves the recipient feeling calm and totally relaxed

• Releases tension in the facial muscles • Reduce the puffiness, helps reduce the under eye bags • Lift and tightens facial contour • Improve the elasticity of the skin • Increases elimination of toxins • Promotes relaxation and calm

A wonderful massage technique which helps loosen tight hand muscles and reduce muscle fatigue; relieves every day aches (such as RSI) and encourages joint mobility. Hand and Arm Massage produces a feeling of balance, relaxation and well-being.

•Can improve the circulation in hands& arm •Helps to ease RSI •Stimulates lymphatic drainage •Stimulates the immunes system •Assists the removal of toxins •Assists the body's self-healing ability; •Helps with insomnia •Assists relaxation